All above 5.0?
MANCHESTER, England - The strongest earthquake to hit Britain in more than two decades was felt across large parts of the country early Wednesday, officials said. Some homes had minor damage and one man was injured by a collapsing chimney.
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places
Magnitude 6.4 Earthquake Hits Islands South of Tokyo
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck a group of Japanese islands south of Tokyo at 4:54 p.m. local time, the U.S. Geological Survey said
Big quake strikes off Indonesia: seismologists
A strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island early Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, sparking a local tsunami alert. The quake, the second off Sumatra in 12 hours, struck at 1:06 am (1806 GMT) at a depth of 35 kilometres (22 miles), 164 kilometres southwest of Sumatra's Padang.
What do you think the cause is, that we having daily earthqaukes every day all over the world?
The end of the "Age of Grace" is coming to an end. This will is when the Lord will descend and gather the Body of Christ ( Christians) to meet Him in the air. AKA "The Rapture"
1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
The earthquakes are signs of the end times. The last prophecy has been fulfilled. (Israel becoming a nation)
He can come at any time and its is only His in his grace that we are still here to tell the world about what Christ did at Calvary. Are you ready?
Amos 4:12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.
Reply:We're fat!! :-)
Reply:Global warming is effecting the earths tectonic plates at an alarming rate because you wont use CFL bulbs
Reply:I agree with you, actually. Of course, unbelievers always say "there have always been earthquakes!" But believers understand that God describes the days leading up to the Tribulation as "birth pains," meaning that the events grow stronger and more painful as time progresses, AND the events come closer together -- just as the pains of a woman in childbirth.
Jesus' description at Matthew 24:4-8 describes a "perfect storm" of violence and seemingly "natural" events that precede the "birth" of the Tribulation. I urge detractors of this prophetic sign to do a bit of research and see that the cyclical nature of earthquakes has, in fact, grown shorter and the intensity much more severe, just like the birth pains of a woman in labor. Because of this, I have no doubts that we are now in the final years before the beginning of the Tribulation.
FYI, the Jews wrote in Bereshit Rabbah XLII:4 that: "If you shall see kingdoms rising against each other in turn, then give heed and note the footsteps of the Messiah." This supports Jesus' reference to nations rising against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms. So this sign has LONG been recognized by believers as important.
EDIT: Jim Pettis, I think you misunderstood C%26amp;C's question. She doesn't imply that one earthquake means "that's it!"
Reply:Prophecy fulfilled!
May you know God's Will!
God Bless You!
Reply:Um...tectonic plate stress and movement? No, can't be that! Must be some ridiculous fake god. LOL, please...
Reply:Tectonic plates crashing into each other. There are literally hundreds of earthquakes every day since they started tracking them
No more earthquakes now then there have ever been we just have a better way of tracking them
Do 5 minutes of real research and you will know that, but then it wouldn't fit your scenario, which is what you really want
Sorry, it's not the end of the world
Reply:What do you think the cause is, that we having daily tides every day all over the world?
Reply:I think it might have something to do with having 300 sextillion tons of matter in various states, inertial vectors and energy potentials, all in rotation, a sun that only heats and gravitates on one side of the planet at any one time, and an orbiting moon that also exerts tidal force. But I suppose it could be Jesus too.
Reply:Plate tectonics. I don't get your point about Matthew 24? These are the end times is that it? "I shall never leave nor foresake you, I shall be with you until the end of time." The ressurection marks the begining of the EPOCH called the end of time or the endtimes?
Read the Bible with a good catholic commentary.
Do you still have your Y2K rations?
Reply:Movement of the tectonic plates.
Oh but plate tectonics is one of those "just theories" isn't it?
Reply:Tectonic plate shifts. Duh.
Reply:This is a common misconception. If you examine the evidence - say, from the U.S. Geological Survey, which records *all* earthquakes and has done so for decades - you will find that there are no more earthquakes now than there were 40 years ago. Indeed, your own evidence - the largest earthquake in more than 20 years - should provide a quite telling clue: 20+ years ago, there was a larger earthquake at the same location. If you go back farther in time, you will almost certainly find even larger earthquakes have been recorded.
Now, since the largest earthquake (recorded) was 70+ years ago, can we conclude that *this* recent earthquake signifies the sudden onset of the end of the world? Of course not.
We, as Christians, are much more likely to die tomorrow than to see the return of Jesus tomorrow. *When* the end arrives is not the least bit important, only that we are prepared for it.
Reply:Tectonic plates. Earthquakes have been going on for quite some time.
I felt the earthquake you mentioned. It made my bed shake a little. I bet it wouldn't have even made the papers had it happened on your side of the pond. If that's a harbringer of the Apocalypse, we're in for a pretty dreary End times.
Reply:you answered your own ?
Reply:These are Labor pains as the Earth is evolving to make way for the meek to inherit.
Reply:us humans have probably messed things up again........
Reply:ahh...quoting the "holy book".earth quakes are nothing 1880 volcano eruption "vanished" the entire island and volcano itself,generating tsunami which killed ten of thosand in sumatra indonesia.60000 years in now danau toba of sumatra,volcano eruption send the earth back to mini ice age and wipe of many major species.everyday hundreds of earthquakes are recorded worldwide
Reply:Honey, you answered your own question. The Bible tells us what to ecpect in the last days. People had better wise up and start looking up. Their timre draweth nigh and Jesus will come soon. Are you ready? Where will you spend all eternity?
Reply:Some seismologists believe that the earth is now in an active earthquake period. For example, Professor Keiiti Aki of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology speaks of “the apparent surge in intensity and frequency of major earthquakes during the last one hundred years,” though stating that the period from 1500 through 1700 was as active.
In the Italian journal Il Piccolo, of October 8, 1978, Geo Malagoli observed:
“Our generation lives in a dangerous period of high seismic activity, as statistics show. In fact, during a period of 1,059 years (from 856 to 1914) reliable sources list only 24 major earthquakes causing 1,973,000 deaths. However, [in] recent disasters, we find that 1,600,000 persons have died in only 63 years, as a result of 43 earthquakes which occurred from 1915 to 1978. This dramatic increase further goes to emphasize another accepted fact—our generation is an unfortunate one in many ways.”
How We Know We Live in the “Last Days”
An entire system of things is to pass away. How can we be certain it is in our day?
THE “last” of anything means the final part, the finish, the end. For example, the last day of the week means the final twenty-four hours that bring the week to a conclusion.
When the Bible speaks of the “last days,” it has reference, not just to days of a week, but to something far greater. When 2 Timothy 3:1 states that “in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here,” it refers to a period of time marked by catastrophic events world wide. It means that all elements of this system of things, the political, the military, the economic, the social and the religious, would be nearing their cataclysmic finish.
As the last day of a week has a definite beginning and a definite end, so the “last days” of this entire system of things have a definite beginning and a definite end. During that limited span of time world events are to build rapidly toward a climax. That climax will come when God himself brings to an end this wicked system and replaces it with one that is good. The Bible promises: “There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.”—2 Pet. 3:8-13.
But how can we know when the world has reached its “last days”? Apart from Bible chronology, is there any way to determine for a certainty which period of time will see the end of this present system of things?
In the first century the disciples of Jesus wanted to know that too, so they pointedly asked him what would be the sign “of the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 24:3) In answer, Jesus enumerated many of the momentous events that would take place. These events would come together within one generation to identify the “last days” clearly. They would be like the different lines that make up a person’s fingerprint, a print that cannot belong to any other person. The “last days” contain their own unique grouping of marks, or events, forming a positive “fingerprint” that cannot belong to any other time period.
When the many factors are put together, we find that our generation, our day is the one that is identified in the Bible as the “last days.” In fact, in this year 1967 we are actually living in the final part of that time! This can be compared to, not just the last day of a week, but, rather, the last part of that last day.
Before describing the “last days,” Jesus cautioned: “You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.” (Matt. 24:6) True to his words, there were many disturbances among nations during the centuries that followed, and the simple fact is that the “last days” did not come during that time.
Then Jesus related some of the events that would mark the “last days.” He stated: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” Following this “there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages.” (Luke 21:10, 11) What was Jesus telling his future followers? To look for a disastrous war the dimensions of which were unheard of in history, one that would be accompanied quickly by other disasters, such as disease, food shortages and earthquakes.
Which war was Jesus speaking about? World War I! It was the first war to fill the description he gave, for it included, not just nations, but entire kingdoms, indeed, the entire world. Speaking of World War I, Life magazine stated: “It killed more men than any previous war, and it was the first war to suck in whole nations, including civilians.”1
No previous war in history compared with it. It was so different that historians of that time called it The Great War. Of it, an encyclopedia states: “World War I took the lives of twice as many men as all major wars from 1790 to 1913 put together.” It noted that total military casualties were over 37,000,000, and added: “The number of civilian deaths in areas of actual war totaled about 5,000,000. Starvation, disease, and exposure accounted for about 80 of every 100 of these civilian deaths. Spanish influenza, which some persons blamed on the war, caused tens of millions of other deaths.”2 World War! Pestilences! Food shortages! Just as Jesus foretold!
Yes, 1914 marked the “beginning of pangs of distress,” as Jesus declared. (Matt. 24:8)
Reply:Tectonic plates reverberating globally because of Sin. What else?
Reply:it's the way the world works? plate tectonics, not religion
Reply:The Signs of the time, are not your imagination. If you can't see Revelation beginning to unfold, for the Lord's Second Coming, well your on Gilligan's Island, or something. You should read the Word a little more. Try prayer, from your heart. Tell Jesus you want him in your Life. Ask that He might Guide you unto a Heart that is of Him.
Reply:How can you be so sure that it hit that particular area, the epicentre might have been several hundred miles away from the actual spot.
Though your stats are impressive.
Reply:Plate tectonics, nothing more. There have always been earthquakes and famines, by the way. Not that hard to predict, so Matthew 24 is evidence of nothing.
Reply:Plate tectonics... read up on it.
Oh, you might need to look up "convection" also :)
Reply:As a Christian and a geography teacher, I agree with all the answers above. We also have more sensitive seismic detection technology, as well the the technology to relay the news to all parts of the world. We hear about more earthquakes than we used to.
Reply:I am guessing you are one of those end of the world kooks. We have only tracked earthquakes closely for less than a hundred years. There have been earthquakes throughout recorded history. Based on current scientific evidence, which likely escapes your intellectual activity, seismic events (earthquakes) are the result of tectonic plates growing, shrinking and overlapping and will happen daily.
In my defense, this is a fairly innoccuos nasty gram, but I really take offense to people who use any forum to spread their version of whatever passes for religion.
I am thinking we need a quake to shake people like you into the abyss so the rest of us can have some peace and quiet.
Reply:Something called tectonic plates. If you took the time and effort to read a science book you will understand as to what causes earthquakes.
Sorry but there is no divine being, god, allah, sky-daddy or whatever you call that guy in the sky causing earthquakes.
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