Sunday, November 15, 2009

Geography - True or False?

1- we can obtain accurate information about groundwater flowpaths from examining the drill records for domestic wells

2-within the ORM, the Halton Till deposits forms significant aquifers because of the high porosity

3- 3D mapping of the sedimentary facies can yeild useful information about the geology of a moraine, but modelling the aquifer requires only detailed water bealance data from a climate station

4-through the work of the geological survey of canada, canada has conducted comperehnsive groundwater surveys covering the last 25 years, a research program much shorter and less extensive than the RASA program mounted in the US

5- the moraine serves as a groundwater recharge/discharge for apprximately 65 watercourses 35 of which in the GTA

6-recent changes to land use desingation on the ORM have been overwhelmingly negative

7-the towns of richmond hill and aurora represnet hte greatest degree of encroauchment onto the ORM

Geography - True or False?
I will do your homework for you. fed-ex me the textbook and the lecture notes from the two best students in the class. . also the fax number for your teacher. when I am finished I will fax the answers to your teacher, so the deadline will be met
Reply:I submit you can find the answers to these questions in your textbook or class notes. If you are disinclined to work at it, these are true-false, you have a 50-50 chance.

Hopefully the odds of you getting someone to do your homework for you will be a lot less!

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