Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is the Book of Revelation unfolding in front of yesterday and today?

Revelation 6:12

I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,

Total Lunar Eclipse: February 20, 2008

6.3 quake rattles northeastern Nevada

16 minutes ago

WELLS, Nev. - A strong earthquake shook rural northeastern Nevada Thursday, causing at least one building to collapse and forcing a truck stop to evacuate, authorities said.

The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 and was reported at 6:16 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was centered in a sparsely populated area 11 miles southeast of Wells near the Nevada-Utah line.

Is the Book of Revelation unfolding in front of yesterday and today?
If you are a true believer you are already prayed up and continuing to do God's Service until Jesus calls for us. If you are not a true believer, I would be getting down on my hands %26amp; knees asking God to forgive me for all my sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, He is God's only begotten Son %26amp; know that He died on the cross for you %26amp; me.

The End times are here; look at all the signs of the times, you can read of them in revelations. Examples: Wars and rumors of wars, strange weather patterns causing mass destruction %26amp; loss of life, the all mighty dollar becoming God for a lot of people, the LOVE OF money is the root of all evil, not the money itself. God knows we have to have it to exist on this earth but, You are not to put it first and forth most before God. I truly believe that you can take the bible word for word and believe it will happen just as it says it will. Not everything has been written in parables; those were told by Jesus to the people of that day, because it is the only way He could get through to them; they were not intelligent enough or learned enough to be told in any other way for them to understand what He had to tell the world. I hope when Jesus calls His Bride to come up and meet Him in the clouds that I will be able to stand beside Him and see how many NON-believers of God start hitting their knees when they start seeing the dead in Christ start raising up out of their graves and heading for the clouds to meet up with their Savior and Lord!
Reply:Again with this?? There are earthquakes around the world EVERY DAY. Eclipses happen on a REGULAR BASIS. Now if the Bible had said, "yeah...the moon shall eclipse on 2/20/08 and an earthquake in the land of Nevada on 2/21/08 shall shake the earth" I might buy it.
Reply:Yes and what you just quoted will increase like the birth pangs of a pregnant woman. They will increase in number and magnitude.

Acts 2:20

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come;

Repent and be baptised every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38
Reply:Um, there have been lunar eclipses and earthquakes constantly since the formation of the solar system a bunch of millions of years ago. Just so ya' know.
Reply:No...that was just the "beginning of sorrows in the book of Mt;24" The really "BIG" stuff is yet to come! You ain't seen nothin yet! (remember the song?) were gonna Rock! "Peace!" (so don't get your underware in a bunch "yet"!) have a nice day! :)
Reply:The Book of Revelation began unfolding the day it was written.

Down through history Jehovah has worked with natural occurrences, that man has trouble putting away.

Take the great flood that some deny happening. A scientist recently located the submerged shoreline of what was the sea level before Noah's flood. 35 feet below currant sea level.

This is neither the first earthquake nor is it the first eclipse we have had.

Superstitious nonsense.
Reply:There is a major earthquake about once per month somewhere in the world, and has been for millions of years.

Revelation is a vengeful rant of a psychotic dreaming of torturing his enemies.

Of course, Its been unfolding for a millennium and change.

You can connect a whole bunch of disasters to the randomness of that text.

You want a really neat trick, go find yourself a good psychic. They have the "predict-the-future-by-naming -a-bunch-of-random-stuff -that-will-likely-happen" trick down rather well, too.
Reply:yikes, not and earthquake and an eclipse. well golly gee beav, we have never had either or those happen before it must be the end. run, go hide and wait for god to come get you.
Reply:the sun did NOT turn black like sackcloth....
Reply:Even 2000 years ago, men knew of earthquakes (the middle east is a seismically active area), lunar eclipses and solar eclipses. they just hadn't a clue on what caused it, so they often had great fear that it was a bad omen.

5 billion earthquakes , 700 solar eclipses and 900 lunar eclipses later- we're still here.

So, revelations has been wrong hundreds of times before. What makes you think that this time that hallucinogenic induced author that wrote Revelations had a clue?
Reply:Nothing like that happend in the UK, so perhaps its only the US that's screwed. (What a shame)
Reply:Only for the thousandth time. Funny how vague wording gets "fulfilled" all the time, huh? Almost makes it look like purposeful deception.
Reply:The book of Revelation tells what will happen during the last 7 years. (The tribulation and the Great tribulation) The earthquake there was not the GREAT one in rev 6:12. That one will be biger then any in the past.
Reply:Yes, I think you're on to something. Never before since the writing of Revelation has there ever been a lunar eclipse, and certainly never one during one of the HUNDREDS of earthquakes that happen every day.
Reply:The book of revelations is like the writings of Nostradamus - so vague that you can twist it to mean almost anything you like.

No, revelation is not unfolding in front of us.
Reply:The Book of Revelation was written by a man named John (possibly John the Apostle) toward the end of his life. John records a vision he experiences, probably while dreaming or meditating. This vision contains a tremendous amount of symbolism; the same kind of symbolism one would see in a dream, a vision of the spirit world. In fact, the Book of Revelation contains the same symbolism found in the symbols in the Prophet Daniel's dream. All Biblical dreams, such as those of Joseph, Gideon, Daniel, Paul, and Peter, are very symbolic and therefore had a hidden spiritual meaning rather than a literal interpretation of the symbols. Such is the case with the Book of Revelation.

Chapter 4-11: Christ opens the seals of the book in heaven

Literal: John now appears at the throne of God and sees four beasts and twenty-four elders around it. On the throne sits God who has a book with seven seals. John weeps when he learns that no one can open the seals to the book. One of the elders tells John that Christ is able to open the seals. Christ then opens the seals, resulting in many earth changes. The seventh seal unleashes seven angels who sound seven trumpets which are sounded one by one.


John has a mental awakening when he attains the spiritual level of the superconscious mind, within the throne of his own body. The four beasts are his four lower spiritual center's animalistic desires and the twenty-four elders are the twenty-four nerves from his brain leading to his five senses. The superconscious mind, is now in full control of John's body. The body is symbolized as a book with seven seals which "no one has the ability to open on his own" (Rev. 5:3). Only through the development of the superconscious mind within a person, can these spiritual centers within the body be opened (i.e., spiritually activated).

As each spiritual center within the body is activated, different parts of the body are purified and upheavals of the body occur mentally, physically, and spiritually. The superconscious mind spiritually activates the seventh spiritual center (the Pituitary, the master gland of the body). As a result of this, it becomes "quiet in heaven for one half hour" (Rev. 8:1). This is symbolic of the perfect control of the mind for one half hour through meditation.

The following are some of the symbols of Revelation


Paradise of God -The original consciousness of humanity before its fall into flesh

Tree of Life -The spiritual centers of the body, such as the heart and the pituitary, that becomes perfectly synchronized

Angel of the Church -The intelligent force governing a spiritual center within the body

Satan - The force of self-centeredness, self-gratification, self-indulgence, self-importance, self-righteousness, self-consciousness, self-glorification, self-delusion, self-condemnation, self, ego, the "false god," the "beast"

Book of Life -The collective unconscious record (memory) of all souls

Earth -The physical body

Mountain of fire striking the Earth -The forces within the physical body which are constantly warring within

New Jerusalem - The superconscious mind awakened

Nakedness -The exposure of faults

Seven lamps - The wisdom of the seven spiritual centers within the body
Reply:The Great 7 Year Tribulations

Now why would God implement the Great Tribulations?

· Because when he says he is going to do something (i.e. His prophecies) he is going to do just that. God never lies and always remembers his covenants.

· The world must end.

· To shatter man’s arrogance and sense of security as a ploy to get their attention.

· To end all evil and to punish the wicked

· To inaugurate his new kingdom of righteousness!

· Of course there are other reason and me being human can never know the infinite wisdom of the Sovereign Lord

Of course, an atheist and God haters can never understand God to a degree since they only focus on God’s judgments when it is clear that there is also going to be mercy during these harsh periods we call the Great tribulations.

When will the rapture occur? Nobody knows but God alone, not even his angels know! That is precisely why we all must have Jesus in our hearts as it is written:

Romans 10

8But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,"[d] that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: 9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."[e] 12For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."[f]

If you do not accept Jesus (know this we do not know the hour of the rapture and that is to say if it happens in our generation!) then you unfortunately will have to experience a period of most egregious suffering and woes. This verse is but a mere appetizer of how painful the Great 7 year Tribulations shall be:

Jeremiah 30

4 These are the words the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah: 5 "This is what the LORD says:

" 'Cries of fear are heard—

terror, not peace.

6 Ask and see:

Can a man bear children?

Then why do I see every strong man

with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor,

every face turned deathly pale?

7 How awful that day will be!

None will be like it.

It will be a time of trouble for Jacob,

but he will be saved out of it

If you read the above graphic verse, you shall surely know that no words can describe the excruciating pain the Great Tribulations shall be, that even men will be writhing in agony as if they are in labor like women.

The Rapture of the Christians and the Crowns and Rewards:

First the Rapture shall occur which means that the true followers of Jesus shall meet in heaven too receive their crowns for their Christian services.

1 Corinthians 15

51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."[g]

55"Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?"[h] 56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4

13Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. 14We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18Therefore encourage each other with these words.

These Crowns are not what saves someone but after a Christian is saved by believing in Jesus as said in Romans 10:9 they are giving treasures and rewards for their selfless deeds they did on earth (please note and I shall stress, these works rewards that is are not what saves a person but are “icing-on-the-cake” rewards and incentives after being saved via Jesus). Accepting Jesus as your Lord and savior is an unconditional covenant forge by God and his sovereign son Jesus and cannot be lost. However your works, treasures, and rewards that you do can either proliferate or be sabotaged and compromised by a lazy Christian who fells him or herself to sins of the flesh. These are following things that can pass through the fire because of a Christian’s GENUINE selfless deeds:

· The base foundation is Jesus the Christ is imperative

· Gold on top of the Foundation (Jesus the Christ)

· Silver on top of the Foundation (Jesus the Christ)

· Costly precious stones on top of the Foundation (Jesus the Christ)

These are the are the following things that shall be incinerated by the fire by a Christian’s lazy selfish deeds, of the flesh and doing good deeds based on arrogance and trying to look good to his fellow man and NOT God:

· Wood

· Hay

· Straw

When these elements are passed through the fire whatever is left the saved person gets that reward. Rewards can be numerous or very few depending on how the saved Christian served God and his brethren selflessly. However even with the loss of rewards he or she is still saved as it is written:

1 Corinthians 3

15If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

What that verse above means is similar to the contemporary Cliché:

“He made it by the skin of his teeth!”

Even though a Christian may lose some of his rewards and treasures he or she is still saved!!

Now let us identify the crowns, which are the following:

· Crown of life- AKA the martyrs crown those who died for bearing testimony of Jesus receive this crown

· Incorruptible crown-This is rewarded to Christians that kept their bodies pure and rejected the insatiable appetites of the flesh (i.e. immoral sex, drinking, drugs (sorcery), etc.)

· Crown of righteousness-this is giving to those who keep the faith and anxiously await Jesus return

· Crown of rejoicing*-Those who win peoples souls to Jesus. Not by Guilt, or you-will-go-to-hell but by love and obedience and by living by example not lip service hypocrisy

· Crown of joy*-AKA the Shepherds crown, those who are at full maturity. Those are great teachers like a pastor who uses his spiritual gifts to help to save the unsaved and lost.

*-These are the highest ranking of all the crowns.

The Antichrist:

Then Antichrist shall make his debut. The other names of the Antichrist are the following:

· Beast of the sea

· The abomination that makes desolate

· The king that will do as he pleases

· Tiny horn with eyes of a man that boasts to the God

· The man of lawlessness

· Son of perdition

A forewarning: ANY GUESSESS ON WHO THE ANTICHRIST IS; IS ONLY A FOOLS GAME!!! After the rapture the antichrist shall reveal himself and only the newly converts of Jesus after the rapture that is, shall decipher the name of the beast which is 666. SO IN ESSENCE ANY 666 GUESSING GAMES RIGHT NOW BEFORE THE RAPTURE IS ALSO A FOOLS GAME!!! The Antichrist will be a powerful world leader well versed in all arts. The antichrist myriads of talents to name a few are the following:

· Oratorical genius (Great speaking ability that entrances the human ears i.e. Hitler)

· Intellectual Genius

· Commercial Genius

· Military Genius

· Administrative genius

· Religious genius

· Powers of Satan

Israel’s Folly:

The Great 7 year tribulation does not happen when the rapture happens as most are commonly mistaken but only when the Antichrist forges a 7-year peace treaty so that all nations even the Arabs would recognize them as a sovereign state. As such, Israel shall pay dearly for seeking security with the grave Isaiah 28:14-15.

Israel’s Terms under the Antichrist’s Covenant:

Once Israel makes this foolish covenant with the antichrist, the terms of the deal are the following:

· Israel is given peace (False peace)

· The Jerusalem Temple is now under Israeli sovereignty on the Dome on the rock

· They are allowed to rebuild Solomon’s Temple long at last

· Israel must tear down their walls that borders their country

The Seven Seals of the Scroll:

Once Israel puts their trust into the Antichrist and not GOD, the GREAT TRIBULATIONS NOW COMMENCE. The seven seal of the scroll could not be opened by anyone except Jesus:

· 1st Seal-The antichrist; notice his bow but not an arrow; he will win the world power through peace and diplomacy.

· 2nd Seal-A great war shall break out. Some speculate this is a symbol of the Antichrist’s other true persona of pure evil and a man who has a penchant for a bloodbath.

· 3rd Seal-Famine as a result of war; a family will barely have the money to feed themselves so they must resort in buying cheap innutritious food to feed everyone thus the mention of barley. Wheat in those days is but a luxury few can afford. The oil and wine are not touch because they are the r
Reply:I do not think that when the moon is to be the colour of blood it mean a normal eclipse.

I think it will be from some other horrid thing like nuclear fallout.
Reply:yes it is and the catholic church is the beast of rev 13

jesus will supposably come in 2011 dont thumbs down plz just look it up for your self

many bad things wil happen in the coming years

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